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The Genetics of Human Behavior

Genetics is, relatively speaking, a very young science. After discovery of DNA only couple of decades ago it stopped being solely statistical and psychological study of heredity and ever since then it was given a very important component in its labs - a microscope. In simple words, we are now able to dive more deeply into the world of genes and their government of human body and behavior. In this short time we learned a great deal of human genetics and how it works. Many genes are already identified in relation to how we act and interact with others and our environment. Let's discuss some of them that already earned cool nicknames in relation of what they are capable of or what we think and suspect they do. The mixture of genes we own are given to us by our parents, which they inherited from their parents who were gifted with the same from their own mothers and fathers and so on. What is finally our DNA composed of, basically defines us and not just our looks and physical propert

Blade Runner vs Change Agent

DNA is a fascinating world. That single molecule of life contains all the information about individual living being. Any bacteria, plant, insect, algae, fish, animal or human grows from that one molecule seed. Probably even some alien form still waiting to be discovered on some moon orbiting Jupiter or Saturn. In one way or another, the same could be true with all life in the universe. All of us are grown from that single instructions manual inside the single DNA set of written directions. And there are no two identical DNA in existence, even if we could mix the same two identical human egg and sperm cells several times, similar but different resulted DNA would always be the outcome. We are surely still not mastering the DNA and bio-engineering - it is still young science and even though one giant molecule of life was hinted by various scientists and scholars more than century ago, it was only in early fifties of 20th century when James Watson and Francis Crick created the first double

Genetic Genealogy

Recently, my five years old boy asked me the question I knew it would eventually come. The very question all parents are inevitably facing with, when the right time comes. With my son it came in the most simplest form: "What is God?" popped occasionally after tons of OMGs he heard everywhere in his realm of cartoons, video games, YouTube channels and TV shows. I wasn't prepared completely. I mean I had pretty good idea of how to explain mythical phenomenons, unknown and unexplainable tales and the very concept of belief, but I didn't know how to do it without destroying Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and other fairy tales he enjoys every year. To me, it's much too early for that age in life. It would only add disappointment and confusion and its better to leave it for little later. So I performed good and old evasive maneuvers and in a couple of curves succeeded in changing the topic and postponing the inevitable for the next time which will come probably sooner than I