To the loving memory of my father
Revelation of Life
November 6, 2020
Revelation of Life
part four
Seeing me confused, Phil paused to give me more time to reflect. To be honest, I couldn't fathom how anybody would react to all this. Literally in just a couple of minutes, I have learned the origin of life and the entire structure of, well, everything. And yet, at that moment, I felt like more was coming. Like the truth only started to unveil, and I am about to understand the fate of what was undoubtedly beyond my comprehension. The fate of the universe... no less.
"Universe is collapsing." Phil continued. "The very foundation of the casting sphere started to subside within itself, and there is nothing I can do from my end."
"Do you refer to those white frames I saw five years ago?" I recalled from the previous experience. "Those flashes of the world from normal texture to the frames from the lighthouse site where I was teleported?"
"No. Nothing like that. What I showed you before was just a dream I projected into your sentient driver. I wanted to introduce myself and show you a glimpse of reality. To ease this conversation a bit. As a matter of fact, this evolutionary biological world is the real deal. The danger is physically real and unavoidable." - The words emphasized the last sentence. "Teleportation is real, though. With the help of these primordial orbs, I can teleport any object anywhere in the universe, just by taking it out of its dimension and putting it on the different sub-coordinates. Three-dimensional casting objects would follow accordingly."
"Actually, that makes perfect sense." I pondered the dimensional logic. "Considering that you are from one dimension higher." After all, the higher dimension is just a set of infinite numbers of its subdimensions. The flashes from the physics class and equations of relations between 3D and 2D came to my mind. It could be the same with higher dimensions, only vastly complicated... But something else he said started to bother me as well.
"Wait... You said primordial orbs? What did you mean by that? Are you saying this orb is here from the beginning of... time?
"Exactly. When the experiment started, I made sure for dozens of orbs to be planted inside the casting space. This is the only way for me to communicate with dedicated sentient drivers. One orb is an essential part of one driver. Your sentient is one of the few that originated from the very beginning. Other drivers are added later as the number of lives started to grow, but I can only communicate with those with orbs."
Everything so far bound to computing logic, including this. It was no different from the computer simulations or complex games with non-player characters and their AIs. But it was still theoretical in nature. All this could still be just an intelligent prank. I wanted proof. Something tangible. I remember what the feeling was like five years ago. It could still be that I was dreaming and the morning is about to break all this away very soon.
Although the thought about my conscience being as old as the first life on Earth for some reason filled me with pride and brought a hint of a smile to my face.
"So, sentient drivers move from one life to another after each cycle? You were saying I was bacteria once? Billions of years ago?"
Phil laughed. This was the first time I heard him amused. "Try paramecium." - He continued to chuckle and I felt that familiar bonding and friendship starting to emerge between us. Despite two dimensions apart, it looked like he was no older than me at all.
I pushed the thought away and remembered he said there were more primordial sentients. I was wondering if he used the orbs before to interfere with evolution in some ways or if he only wanted to attend the events from the front row.
"Where are the other orbs?"
"Scattered around the universe. None remained on this planet. Actually, there are none in this galaxy beside yours. Unfortunately, at the moment, all of them but two belong to sentients who are assigned to lower forms of life. You and Thea are the only ones I can count on. On the pros side, she is coming from a highly developed civilization, and we really need antigravity and antimatter bombshell devices from her world."
"What?!" As it seemed, this conversation couldn't get any near not being full of unexpected surprises and unforeseen directions. "Bombs? What the heck are you..."
"We have to rip part of the universe. It's the only way to save the rest. I'll explain later." - Phil moved two yards away from me, and the light from the orb changed in both colors and trembling frequency. "Hold on."
Moments later, a bright light came from the center of the room, and with a familiar, loud buzzing sound, a female figure appeared and fell to the floor. She unsteadily regained her posture and took off her large and obviously heavy backpack and carefully leaned it against the wall. The second orb appeared as well and joined the first one in free float.
She was around my height and wore simple white pants and a T-shirt with long boots to her knees. Her skin was heavenly blue and her hair long black. Her bare neck contained almost hidden gills that pulsed as she said something in a soft and pleasant voice. Apart from gills and skin color, she appeared not much different than me.
Phil returned the greeting, no doubt in her language and faced me again.
"Vicks, please meet Thea."
"Exactly. When the experiment started, I made sure for dozens of orbs to be planted inside the casting space. This is the only way for me to communicate with dedicated sentient drivers. One orb is an essential part of one driver. Your sentient is one of the few that originated from the very beginning. Other drivers are added later as the number of lives started to grow, but I can only communicate with those with orbs."
Everything so far bound to computing logic, including this. It was no different from the computer simulations or complex games with non-player characters and their AIs. But it was still theoretical in nature. All this could still be just an intelligent prank. I wanted proof. Something tangible. I remember what the feeling was like five years ago. It could still be that I was dreaming and the morning is about to break all this away very soon.
Although the thought about my conscience being as old as the first life on Earth for some reason filled me with pride and brought a hint of a smile to my face.
"So, sentient drivers move from one life to another after each cycle? You were saying I was bacteria once? Billions of years ago?"
Phil laughed. This was the first time I heard him amused. "Try paramecium." - He continued to chuckle and I felt that familiar bonding and friendship starting to emerge between us. Despite two dimensions apart, it looked like he was no older than me at all.
I pushed the thought away and remembered he said there were more primordial sentients. I was wondering if he used the orbs before to interfere with evolution in some ways or if he only wanted to attend the events from the front row.
"Where are the other orbs?"
"Scattered around the universe. None remained on this planet. Actually, there are none in this galaxy beside yours. Unfortunately, at the moment, all of them but two belong to sentients who are assigned to lower forms of life. You and Thea are the only ones I can count on. On the pros side, she is coming from a highly developed civilization, and we really need antigravity and antimatter bombshell devices from her world."
"What?!" As it seemed, this conversation couldn't get any near not being full of unexpected surprises and unforeseen directions. "Bombs? What the heck are you..."
"We have to rip part of the universe. It's the only way to save the rest. I'll explain later." - Phil moved two yards away from me, and the light from the orb changed in both colors and trembling frequency. "Hold on."
Moments later, a bright light came from the center of the room, and with a familiar, loud buzzing sound, a female figure appeared and fell to the floor. She unsteadily regained her posture and took off her large and obviously heavy backpack and carefully leaned it against the wall. The second orb appeared as well and joined the first one in free float.
She was around my height and wore simple white pants and a T-shirt with long boots to her knees. Her skin was heavenly blue and her hair long black. Her bare neck contained almost hidden gills that pulsed as she said something in a soft and pleasant voice. Apart from gills and skin color, she appeared not much different than me.
Phil returned the greeting, no doubt in her language and faced me again.
"Vicks, please meet Thea."